The power of “Stichwort”

This is something you will come across in more “official” German. It means “keyword” or “a hint” in this context. For instance, you prepare slides for your presentation and in order to put your verbal message into a “written category” you nicely summarize it into “Stichwort: …” – main point of that whole talking.

Or on radio.

Earlier I heard lady moderator talking on some political issue with her opponent. She asked a question ending it nicely with “Stichwort -Partnerschaften” – meaning she was particularly interested in political partnerships. “Nicely” because I only then woke up thinking “but what was the question again?”

You dont want to just babble around in German and make your point unclear.

The powers work. But maybe putting “Stichwort: …” before even making your point is better? As a listener you are then prepared upfront?

Meh, nah. Unofficially put.

More reads on powers:

The power of Diskretion
The power of Termin
The power of tatsächlich
The power of Mahlzeit”
The power of Datenschutz
The power of Tatort
The power of doch

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